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Safe at Central

Central Baptist’s children’s wing has had some recent upgrades, including new safety doors, a check-in area, and a guest welcome center. Our safety doors are locked after the set check-in times.

Sunday Check-In Times: 9:15-9:45, 10:30-11:00

Three Step Check-In Process:

  1. Check in at the kiosk
  2. Print 3 tags (Parents get 1, Kids get 2)
  3. Go to Class! Ages 2 and under will be escorted to class by parents; ages 3 and up will show their tag to a safety volunteer and walk to class (*Please see a volunteer if you’d like to walk an older child to class. We prefer tearless drop offs for all!)

Pick-up Process:

  1. Babies to Age 2: Parents will show tag and walk to child’s classroom
  2. Ages 3 to Kindergarten: Child will be seated in hall and walked out of safety doors to parents
  3. 1st-5th Grade: Children will be dismissed to exit and meet their parents outside the safety doors

A volunteer will be available to help at all times if you arrive late or need to leave early.

If you would like to be a part of this amazing team and help serve at Central, volunteer! We need greeters and safety volunteers. It’s an easy thirty minutes, once a month. You won’t even miss small group!